I. NAME: The name shall be the York-Ogunquit Democratic Committee.
II.OBJECT: The object and purpose of the York-Ogunquit Committee shall be to promote the principles of the Democratic Party in the Towns of York and Ogunquit, the State of Maine, and the Nation through voter education and election of duly nominated candidates.
III.MEMBERSHIP: All members of the committee, including officers, must be enrolled members of the Democratic Party in the community from which the committee is elected. The qualification and party enrollment shall be as specified in the State of Maine Election Laws. There shall be no limit on the number of members on the committee. Members shall be selected at the biennial municipal caucus and any enrolled Democrat attending the biennial municipal caucus shall be, upon request, a member of the municipal committee. New members may be added to the committee by a majority of the committee itself at any meeting convened with proper notice as defined under Sec. X of these bylaws. Any enrolled Democrat registered to vote in this municipalities of York or Ogunquit shall be eligible for membership on the committee. All members shall retain full membership status unless surrendered by resignation, so long as s/he is a resident and enrolled Democrat in York or Ogunquit.
IV.TENURE: The term of all officers and committee members shall be two years from the date of the last caucus called for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Democratic State Convention. The Chairperson shall call at least one caucus of the Democrats in the town every two years during period designated by State Party Rule and on the date prescribed by the Democratic State Committee for the purpose of electing a new town committee and officers, York County Democratic Committee delegates and state convention delegates and alternates.
V.OFFICERS: The officers of the committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Two Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be members of the committee and who shall be elected by a majority vote of the committee.
Election of officers may be held at a special committee meeting convened with proper notice as defined under Sec. X of these by-laws, or at the biennial municipal caucus.
CHAIRPERSON: The Chairperson shall be the general executive officer of the committee and shall preside at all meetings. S/he shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees. S/he shall appoint the chairs and members of all subcommittees, but may at her/his discretion delegate the appointment of subcommittee members to the subcommittee chair.
VICE-CHAIRPERSON: The Vice-Chairperson shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all duties of the Chairperson in her/his absence or in the event of her/his death or resignation. The Vice-Chairperson shall perform other duties as the Chairperson shall from time to time assign. The Vice-Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees. There shall be a Vice-Chair from each town.
SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be the recording officer of the committee and shall keep a complete and accurate record of the committee meetings. S/he shall promptly file a duplicate copy of such record of each meeting with the Committee Chairperson. The Secretary shall also maintain a complete and accurate record of the committee membership and shall file a duplicate copy of the membership list with the committee Chairperson. S/he shall update the committee membership list as new members are selected, upon notice of change of address of committee members, and/or upon receipt of any resignations. S/he shall provide, upon receipt of any new additions, resignations and/or updates, duplicate copies of such changes and updates with the committee chairperson, the chairperson of the York County Democratic Committee and the State Democratic Headquarters.
TREASURER: The Treasurer shall keep a full and accurate record and account of all receipts and expenditures, and shall deposit all money in the name of the York-Ogunquit Democratic Committee in a recognized bank or trust company. S/he shall make proper vouchers therefore and shall render to the Chairperson and the Committee a full report of all transactions as Treasurer of the financial condition of the town committee as such time as requested by the Chairperson of the York-Ogunquit Democratic Committee.
RESIGNATIONS: Any committee member or officer may resign at any time. Such resignation shall be made in writing and shall take effect upon receipt by the Chairperson or the Secretary who shall record such resignation, noting the hour and date of receipt. The acceptance of a resignation by vote of the Committee shall not be necessary. A member's removal from the list of Democratic enrolled voters of the municipalities shall be considered an automatic resignation from the committee.
REMOVAL: An officer or member of the York-Ogunquit Democratic Committee may be removed at a meeting called expressly for that purpose. Written notice must be given to all members of the Committee at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. Removal shall require the approval of two thirds (2/3) of the Committee present and voting.
VIII.STANDING COMMITTEES: There shall be established the following subcommittees to be appointed by the Chairperson, except as otherwise provided herein:
2.Publicity and Communications
3.Enrollment and Registration
4.Voter Education
IX. GRIEVANCE: Any and all grievances by members of the committee or duly enrolled members of the Maine Democratic Party shall be in writing and directed to the Chairperson of the County Grievance Committee, who will notify the said complainant the date of the hearing to be held within ten (10) days of receipt of the complaint. If no County Grievance Committee exists, then grievances may be submitted directly to the Democratic State Committee's Standing Committee on Grievance.
X. MEETINGS: Meetings of the York-Ogunquit Democratic Committee may be called at any time by the Chairperson and shall be called by her/him upon written request of five (5) committee members. If the chairperson fails to call a meeting within ten (10) days of receipt of such request then a meeting may be called by written notice of any five (5) committee members. Except in an emergency, committee members shall be given seven (7) days notice and a written agenda prior to the holding of the meeting whenever possible. Notice of the date, time, location of the meeting may be given by mail, email, personal or telephone contact. All meetings shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
XI.QUORUM: Nine (9) members present shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business.
XII.CONTRACTION AND PAYMENT OF BILLS: No bills shall be contracted by any officer or member of this committee unless authorized by a vote of the said committee either general or specific. Any bills shall be itemized or accompanied by a statement that will reasonably show exactly what they are designed to cover.
XIII. AMENDMENTS These bylaws, once adopted may be altered or amended only by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at the committee meeting specifically called for that specific purpose with seven (7) days written notice, which shall include the exact wording of the proposed amendment.