York-Ogunquit Held Caucus on Saturday, February 3, 2024
Maine Democratic Party 2024 Municipal Caucus
Saturday, February 3, 2024
Maine - Ogunquit Democrats
York, Maine 03909
Number of Democratic attendees: 35
Guests: 6
Chairperson for YODC, Dawn Hackett, officially opened the caucus meeting at 1:06pm.
She introduced our speakers and legislators, as well as candidates or their representatives.
Julian Rogers, Vice Chair for the Maine Democratic Party spoke first.
He emphasized the slogan: Turn OUT - Turn - OUT Turn-OUT as the mantra for Democrats this year and explained why.
Senator Mark Lawrence, District # 35 spoke about current legislative issues and accomplishments. He asked for people to re-elect him for another term.
HR Holly Sargent, District # 147 was ill and unable to attend but she did send word through Chairperson Dawn Hackett that she was going to run for her seat in the House, and asked for support from her York constituents.
HR Gerry Runte, District #146 is also running again , and he spoke of apathy among young voters and the need for Democrats to seek out these voters and speak to them individually about the importance of GOTV (Get Out the Vote).
Richard Clark, is running again for York County Commissioner and he shared with the participants the duties and responsibilities of the County Commission. He asked for their support.
Maura Houde, wife of Scott Houde, candidate for Probate Judge spoke about his record as Probate Judge and some of the initiatives he has brought to the position.
Barney Frank , Former US Congressman from MA, told the audience of the importance of re-electing President Joe Biden to the White House and of his confidence that President Biden will be re-elected. He emphasized that the US has the BEST Economy in the world, right now, and this can be attributed to the Biden Administration.
Chairperson D. Hackett then asked the participants to vote upon a Caucus Chair and Secretary for the 2024 Municipal Caucus. The vote was unanimous for both Chair: Dawn Hackett and Secretary:
Judith McAllister.
YODC (York-Ogunquit) By-Laws were voted up and accepted as they stand.
Nominations for YODC (York-Ogunquit Democratic Committee) Executive Committee was held.
Unanimous vote for all candidates: Chair: Dawn Hackett, (Y) Vice Chair: Phyllis Giordano (Y) , Vice Chair: Michael Sgambati (O), Secretary: Bobbi Treen (O) Treasurer: Harry Mussman (Y).
York County Delegates:
Paul Stolberg, Carol Libby, Dan Libby, and Jim Ready as an alternate.
Maine State Convention:
Phyllis Giordano, Nancy “Fern” Phillips, Jim Beverage, Michael Sgambati, Dawn Hackett and Jim Ready.
Lydia Blume, Chair for Seacoast Democrats, spoke about the future opening of an office for the five surrounding towns, (York, Ogunquit, Kittery, Eliot and S. Berwick) in preparation for the November 2024 Elections.
Chairperson Dawn Hackett reminded participants of the upcoming YODC On-Line Auction and asked for donors for the auction as well as buyers. Funds raised from this auction will help with rent for the Seacoast Dems office in York for 2024.
Auction dates: April 7 - 17, 2024.
Caucus meeting ended at 2:10pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith E. McAllister
Secretary for Maine Municipal 2024 Caucus